Wednesday, March 4, 2009

UNICEF Statistics

Below are few statistics taken from the UNICEF Child Labor website

T-Shirt Design 2009

K.I.D International decided to incorporation the Fashion Industry in this awareness by designing a limited edition collection of t-shirts. The fashion industry has decided to sponsor his cause due to the fact its great a contributor to the cause, through sweatshops around world children have fallen into cheap labor, the industry want the public to know they are aware and taking the right actions to prevent the problem.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


 Reason for our inspiration:

Poster Design 2009

Above is the series of K.I.D International campaign posters educating the public about the problem affecting kids around the world. This advertisement is targeted towards the adult public and will be featured in the MTv trains, subways as well as many bus stops. Our partener UNICEF will publically display for the month of March the series of posters outside its New York Headquarters

K.I.D International

Official Logo


K.I.D International
is a non profit organization affiliated with UNICEF and ILO (International Labor Organization) to cause awareness about child labor. The mission is to ultimately educated the public and decrease the rate of children working. Through the help of UNICEF we are taking this organization around the world, causing an international awareness. Posters and campaign t-shits as well as this blog are our main source in reaching out to the public. With an estimated 158 million children around the world victims to child labor, it a cause that effects everyone.